I am trying to evaluate whether there is any bivariate correlation between several non-normally distributed variables.
Is it appropriate, or not, to claim positive and negative correlations in these cases based on a Spearman rank-order test statistic?
These variables have skewed distributions and some outliers and I was hoping that a Spearman rank correlation would fit the bill; however, I think my data are failing the monotonic assumption.
I am a rank amateur, so to speak, and would appreciate some informed perspectives on these scatter plots.
Edit: It is possible, and sometimes likely, for values to be either 0% or 100%, as indicated in the scatter plots.
Each data point represents a case (inquiry), in which different types of sources are consulted to a lesser or greater degree. All sources may be of type a, in which case 100% of sources consulted are type a, etc.
Sources can be simultaneously of type a & b, or a & c, but not c & b. Alternatively, they may exclusively type a, or exclusively type b, or exclusively c. The question is whether there are evident relationships in consultation choices.