Often times I'll write down an idea and have no idea if (1) It's a good idea, and (2) If it is a good idea, how much has it been applied / studied. I'm asking this question in hopes to get insight on these two questions. Perhaps by providing search terms or references (or by just pointing me to something better!).
Say I have a training data $\{x_i,y_i\}_{i=1,..n}$ where $x_i \in R^d$ and $y_i$ are scalars. I want to do a regression to predict $y$ given the vector $x$, however it's also important that I also give a measure of confidence in my predictions. Ideally, I'd like a whole posterior distribution $p(y|x)$. I've tried quantile regression and nearest neighbor techniques, but I wanted something a bit more parametric.
I'd like to model my outcome using some parametric model $p(y;\theta)$, where $p$ is some known PDF with parameters $\theta$. Maximum likelihood can then be applied to give the best estimate of $\theta$ given my training data by minimizing the negative log likelihood $L(\theta) = \sum_i -\log p(y_i;\theta)$
However, what if I want my model to have some kind of heteroscedasticity, where $\theta = \theta(x)$ - meaning I want my parameters to vary with my input $x$ giving a "local" conditional distribution.
What are some ways to do this? My attempt was pick a basis $\{\phi_j(x)\}$ (perhaps a linear or quadratic basis) and model my parameters as $\theta_i(x) = \sum_j c^i_j \phi_j(x)$ where $i$ ranges over the number of parameters in $p$. The coefficients in this model are then fit by optimizing $L(\theta(x))$ using standard numerical optimization techniques in MATLAB, scipy or R.
Does this type of conditional maximum likelihood estimation have a name? I've googled variants and I'm having trouble finding something similar to this method. Most references I find, $\theta$ is constant and isn't allowed to vary with $x$. Any references/search terms you might have are appreciated.