This question is related to the problems I mentioned in this question. I am not sure if there is a good solution, but am hoping someone more experienced with this type of thing can help out.
I am characterising my observations as forming a (lower) truncated generalised gamma distribution. The (usual, non-truncated) generalised gamma distribution can be parameterised like this: $$ f(m|H_s,\alpha,\beta) = \frac{\beta \left(\frac{m}{H_s}\right)^\alpha \exp\left(-\left(\frac{m}{H_s}\right)^\beta\right)}{H_s \Gamma\left(\frac{\alpha+1}{\beta}\right)}, $$ where the denominator is just the normalisation to form a PDF. This is usually defined for $m>0$, $\beta>0$, $H_s>0$ and $\alpha>-1$ (so that the argument to the gamma function is positive). However, my data has $\alpha \sim -2$ over the range of its observation. Usually this would be impossible, since $\alpha<-1$ means the integral cannot converge towards low $m$ (I use the variable $m$ because my data are actually masses). However, I only have masses larger than some $m_{\rm min}$, so the distribution is truncated. In that case, the distribution is $$ f(m|H_s,\alpha,\beta) = \frac{\beta \left(\frac{m}{H_s}\right)^\alpha \exp\left(-\left(\frac{m}{H_s}\right)^\beta\right)}{H_s \Gamma\left(\frac{\alpha+1}{\beta},\left(\frac{m_{\rm min}}{H_s}\right)^\beta\right)}, $$ and $\alpha$ is now free to be $<-1$ (in my case it would be unphysical for it to be $<-2$).
My problem comes in because most libraries only implement the incomplete gamma for positive shape parameter, ie. $\alpha>-1$. So, though the distribution 'makes sense', many libraries cannot actually calculate it. There are some that can, but I want to be more flexible, and specifically, I want to use Stan (which doesn't support this at the moment).
One way to circumvent the problem (with some caveats), is to "weight" each data point by its mass, and then implicitly estimate $\alpha+1$. Since my data must have $\alpha>-2$, then $\alpha+1$ is always greater than -1, and this will work. The downside of course is that data with more noise is upweighted, but there are additional benefits which I won't go in to.
To make things explicit, here is the Stan code (hopefully this question is not actually stan-specific, but I think the code should be easy to understand anyway). The actual distribution is implemented with the functions block:
functions {
* g() is the un-normalised generalised gamma distribution (GGD)
vector g(vector m, real Hs, real alpha, real beta){
vector[num_elements(m)] y;
vector[num_elements(m)] x;
y <- m/Hs;
for (i in 1:num_elements(m)) x[i] <- pow(y[i],beta);
return log(beta) + alpha*log(y) - x;
* q() is the normalisation of the truncated generalised gamma distribution
real q(real mmin, real Hs, real logHs, real alpha, real beta){
real z;
z <- (alpha+1)/beta;
// If z<0, gamma_q won't work !!!!
return log(10)*logHs + log(gamma_q(z,pow(mmin/Hs,beta))) + lgamma(z);
* truncated_GGD_log is the log PDF of the lower-truncated GGD.
real truncated_GGD_log(vector m, real Hs, real logHs, real alpha, real beta, real mmin, vector weight){
return sum((g(m,Hs,alpha,beta)-q(mmin,Hs, logHs, alpha,beta)) .*weight);
Assume this functions block is included in every other stan program in this question. Note that a weight vector is passed to the truncated_GGD_log
, which is multiplied by the underlying log-likelihoods before summing.
The rest of the model looks like this:
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of halos
vector<lower=0>[N] log_m_meas; // mass of halos
real<lower=0> hs_min; //The lower bound of hs
real<lower=0,upper=20> hs_max; //Upper bound of hs
real<lower=-2,upper=0> alpha_min; //Lower bound of alpha
real<lower=-2,upper=0> alpha_max; //Upper bound of alpha
real<lower=0> beta_min; //Lower bound of beta
real<lower=0> beta_max; //Upper bound of beta
transformed data {
vector<lower=0>[N] weight;
vector<lower=0>[N] m;
for (i in 1:N) m[i] <- pow(10,log_m_meas[i]);
weight <- m/mean(m); // <-- WEIGHTS ARE PROPORTIONAL TO MASSES
parameters {
real<lower=beta_min,upper=beta_max> beta;
real<lower=hs_min,upper=hs_max> logHs;
real<lower=alpha_min,upper=alpha_max> alpha;
model {
real Hs;
real mmin;
Hs <- pow(10,logHs);
mmin <- pow(10,min(log_m_meas));
m ~ full(Hs, logHs, alpha+1, beta, mmin, weight);
This works (ie. it converges to parameters that are pretty close to what I started with in a generative model). However, in reality, the masses are not known perfectly. They are measured with some uncertainty (for now, assume its standard log-normal with constant $\sigma$). To model this, I need to introduce a hierarchical model.
Assuming I didn't have the weighting problem, I would use the following:
data {
int<lower=0> N; // number of halos
vector<lower=0>[N] log_m_meas; // *measured* mass of halos
real err; //uncertainty in halo masses
real<lower=0> hs_min; //The lower bound of hs
real<lower=0,upper=20> hs_max; //Upper bound of hs
real<lower=-2,upper=0> alpha_min; //Lower bound of alpha
real<lower=-2,upper=0> alpha_max; //Upper bound of alpha
real<lower=0> beta_min; //Lower bound of beta
real<lower=0> beta_max; //Upper bound of beta
real<lower=0,upper=20>log_mtrue_max; // Upper bound of true masses
real<lower=0> log_mmin_min; //Lower bound of log_mmin
real<lower=0> log_mmin_max; //Upper bound of log_mmin
parameters {
real<lower=beta_min,upper=beta_max> beta;
real<lower=hs_min,upper=hs_max> logHs;
real<lower=alpha_min,upper=alpha_max> alpha;
real<lower=log_mmin_min,upper=log_mmin_max> log_mmin;
vector<lower=log_mmin,upper=log_mtrue_max>[N] log_mtrue; //True mass estimates
transformed parameters {
real Hs;
real mmin;
vector[N] m;
Hs <- pow(10,logHs);
mmin <- pow(10,log_mmin);
for (i in 1:N) m[i] <- pow(10,log_mtrue[i]);
model {
m ~ truncated_GGD(Hs, logHs, alpha, beta, mmin); // <-- USES A TRUNCATED_GGD definition with no weights
log_mtrue ~ normal(log_m_meas,err);
This also works, given I simulate data with an intrinsic $\alpha>-1$. However, to add the weighting, so I can use $\alpha<-1$, I have to add the following transformed data
transformed data {
vector<lower=0>[N] weight;
vector<lower=0>[N] m;
vector<lower=0>[N] werr;
for (i in 1:N) m[i] <- pow(10,log_m_meas[i]);
weight <- m/mean(m); // <-- WEIGHTS ARE PROPORTIONAL TO MASSES
for (i in 1:N) werr[i] <- err/sqrt(weight[i]);
and modify the model block to this:
model {
m ~ truncated_GGD(Hs, logHs, alpha+1, beta, mmin,weight);
// USE WERR = ERR/SQRT(WEIGHT) instead of just ERR
log_mtrue ~ normal(log_m_meas,werr);
And this does not work. Just in case it was something to do with intrinsically not being able to weight things this way, I tried swapping out the truncated_GGD for a Pareto distribution (which is the same except simpler, not having an exponential cutoff), using the same kind of machinery everywhere else. See the question I mentioned at the top. That works. This doesn't.
Specifically, $\log m_{\rm min}$ runs down into its lower limit, $\beta$ runs up into its upper limit, and $\alpha$ gets pushed more negative than it should be. $H_s$ is estimated significantly higher than it should be, but otherwise is at least constrained.
Interestingly, though $\log m_{\rm min}$ ends up at 11 (its lower limit) when it should be 12, the actual minimum 'true' mass estimated is 12.3. This makes absolutely no mathematical sense, as completely independent of everything else, $m_{\rm min}$ has highest likelihood at the minimum estimated mass.
This has been a long question, but I guess I want to know if there's some inherent conceptual flaw in all of this, or just some silly coding error, or perhaps a bug in stan (I'd say that the probability is decreasing in that order).