From strong duality, it's easy to see that
\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i = \frac{\lambda^2 + 1}{2\lambda}||w||^2 + L(w)
where $L(w)$ in your formulation is $\sum_{i=1}^n \max\{0, 1- y_i w^T x_i\}$.
If this value is equal to $n$, then you are no better than the case where $w=0$. So this is basically the null-case where you haven't really learned anything (and underfitted would seem to be apt).
Adding such a constraint is odd - one already has $\lambda$ in place to handle the tradeoff between model complexity and error. This constraint may be effective in finding a sparser solution (i.e., fewer support vectors) - of course, there is also the problem that the problem may not be solvable (i.e., for $t$ which is too large you have no solution). But there exist a large body of work already on finding sparse solutions to SVM which are well motivated - this constraint is not. Also adding in this constraint may alter the expression for $w$ itself, so it's not entirely clear what the end result would be.
Adding an additional constraint in the dual will result in a new variable in the primal, and the primal objective will look different. It's largely a mechanical process to transform from dual -> primal, but someone else (or perhaps OP) can do that.