I have a hazard rate given by a 2-parameters Weibull distribution, in the form:
$$h(t) = \cfrac{B}{A} \, \left({\cfrac{t}{A}}\right)^{B - 1}$$
where $A=$ scale parameter and $B=$ shape parameter. I don't have a lot of knowledge about probability distributions, but I would like to use this one to reproduce the famous bathtub curve.
How can I establish the proper value of $A$ and $B$ in order to obtain 3 distributions like these:
For the green one (constant hazard rate) I know that the ordinate of the line is given by $B/A$, therefore in the example it is 0.1 ($B/A=1/10=0.1$); but for the other two I would like to establish some formula that permits me to establish the value of A and B in order to:
- do not exceed never the value of $h(t) = 1$
- decrease (or increase) asymptotically until to (from to) the same value of the constant part (e.g. 0.1 in the previous example) so I can "stick" them together at the end like in the following image.