I have asked myself this question for months. The answers on CrossValidated and Quora all list nice properties of the logistic sigmoid function, but it all seems like we cleverly guessed this function. What I missed was the justification for choosing it. I finally found one in section of the "Deep Learning" book by Bengio (2016). In my own words:
In short, we want the logarithm of the model's output to be suitable for gradient-based optimization of the log-likelihood of the training data.
- We want a linear model, but we can't use $z = w^T x + b$ directly as $z \in (-\infty, +\infty)$.
- For classification, it makes sense to assume the Bernoulli distribution and model its parameter $\theta$ in $P(Y=1) = \theta$.
- So, we need to map $z$ from $(-\infty, +\infty)$ to $[0, 1]$ to do classification.
Why the logistic sigmoid function?
Cutting off $z$ with $P(Y=1|z) = max\{0, min\{1, z\}\}$ yields a zero gradient for $z$ outside of $[0, 1]$. We need a strong gradient whenever the model's prediction is wrong, because we solve logistic regression with gradient descent. For logistic regression, there is no closed form solution.
The logistic function has the nice property of asymptoting a constant gradient when the model's prediction is wrong, given that we use Maximum Likelihood Estimation to fit the model. This is shown below:
For numerical benefits, Maximum Likelihood Estimation can be done by minimizing the negative log-likelihood of the training data. So, our cost function is:
J(w, b) &= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m -\log P(Y = y_i | x_i; w, b) \\
&= \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^m - \big(y_i \log P(Y=1 | z) + (y_i-1)\log P(Y=0 | z)\big)
Since $P(Y=0 | z) = 1-P(Y=1|z)$, we can focus on the $Y=1$ case. So, the question is how to model $P(Y=1 | z)$ given that we have $z = w^T x + b$.
The obvious requirements for the function $f$ mapping $z$ to $P(Y=1 | z)$ are:
- $\forall z \in \mathbb{R}: f(z) \in [0, 1]$
- $f(0) = 0.5$
- $f$ should be rotationally symmetrical w.r.t. $(0, 0.5)$, i.e. $f(-x) = 1-f(x)$, so that flipping the signs of the classes has no effect on the cost function.
- $f$ should be non-decreasing, continuous and differentiable.
These requirements are all fulfilled by rescaling sigmoid functions. Both $f(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$ and $f(z) = 0.5 + 0.5 \frac{z}{1+|z|}$ fulfill them. However, sigmoid functions differ with respect to their behavior during gradient-based optimization of the log-likelihood. We can see the difference by plugging the logistic function $f(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$ into our cost function.
Saturation for $Y=1$
For $P(Y=1|z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}$ and $Y=1$, the cost of a single misclassified sample (i.e. $m=1$) is:
J(z) &= -\log(P(Y=1|z)) \\
&= -\log(\frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}) \\
&= -\log(\frac{e^z}{1+e^z}) \\
&= -z + \log(1 + e^z)
We can see that there is a linear component $-z$. Now, we can look at two cases:
- When $z$ is large, the model's prediction was correct, since $Y=1$. In the cost function, the $\log(1 + e^z)$ term asymptotes to $z$ for large $z$. Thus, it roughly cancels the $-z$ out leading to a roughly zero cost for this sample and a weak gradient. That makes sense, as the model is already predicting the correct class.
- When $z$ is small (but $|z|$ is large), the model's prediction was not correct, since $Y=1$. In the cost function, the $\log(1 + e^z)$ term asymptotes to $0$ for small $z$. Thus, the overall cost for this sample is roughly $-z$, meaning the gradient w.r.t. $z$ is roughly $-1$. This makes it easy for the model to correct its wrong prediction based on the constant gradient it receives. Even for very small $z$, there is no saturation going on, which would cause vanishing gradients.
Saturation for $Y=0$
Above, we focussed on the $Y=1$ case. For $Y=0$, the cost function behaves analogously, providing strong gradients only when the model's prediction is wrong.
This is the cost function $J(z)$ for $Y=1$:
It is the horizontally flipped softplus function. For $Y=0$, it is the softplus function.
You mentioned the alternatives to the logistic sigmoid function, for example $\frac{z}{1+|z|}$. Normalized to $[0,1]$, this would mean that we model $P(Y=1|z) = 0.5 + 0.5 \frac{z}{1+|z|}$.
During MLE, the cost function for $Y=1$ would then be
$J(z) = - \log (0.5 + 0.5 \frac{z}{1+|z|})$,
which looks like this:
You can see, that the gradient of the cost function gets weaker and weaker for $z \rightarrow - \infty$.