According to Wiki, the Multinomial Naive Bayes's conditional distribution is: $$p(\mathbf{x} \vert C=k) = \text{Multinomial}(n,\mathbf p_k) = \frac{(\sum_d x_d)!}{\prod_d x_d !} \prod_d {p_{kd}}^{x_d}$$ where $\bf x$ is feature and $C$ is class. $d$ is the number of dimension of feature.
When using in text domain: given an $i$th document's word feature $\mathbf x_i=(w_1,...,w_d)$, $d =|Vocabulary|$.
The document length is the parameter n of Multinomial, $n=\sum_d x_d$. But every document length is different ! So $p(\mathbf x_i|c)$ is not Multinomial$(n,\mathbf p_c)$ but a Multinomial$(n_i,\mathbf p_c) $. (that is , the distribution is changing with sample $\mathbf x_i$)
The consequence is that $p(\mathbf x|C)$ is no longer the Multinomial distribution and $\sum_x p(\mathbf x|C)$ is not equal to 1.
It is based on nothing more than the Multinoulli
or Categorical
Am I missing something?
this wiki has a good example for text classification.
EDIT: I have totally revised the post. For where that is still unclear plz comment me.
EDIT2: But people are still using it regardless of the document length. Why?