I think this interpretation of $\alpha G_{0}(x)$ as the number of balls of color $x$ is not entirely accurate. As I understand it, the purpose of using the Polya Urn scheme is to find the probability of drawing a ball of color $x_{i}$ in your next draw. I will be using the more usual $\theta_{i}$ instead of $x_{i}$.
Assume a base distribution $G_{0}$. Usually, this is taken as a normal distribution. From this distribution, sample a ball of color $\theta_{1}$ (imagining for a moment that colors are normally distributed.) That is, $\theta_{1} \sim G_{0}$.
Next, you select your next color based on the probability $G(\theta_{2}) = \displaystyle \frac{\alpha G_{0}(\theta_{2}) + \sum_{i=1}^{N} \delta(\theta_2=\theta_{i})}{\alpha + N}$. Here $G(\theta_{2})$ is the probability of having a ball with color $\theta_{2}$. The term $\alpha G_{0}(\theta_{2})$ is your base distribution modified by the concentration parameter $\alpha$. If you choose $\alpha$ to be a very small number, $\alpha G_{0}(\theta)$ will be a sparse distribution (with very few peaks). A very large $\alpha$ makes your distribution look like a uniform distribution (e.g. all values are equally likely.) Notice that $\alpha G_{0}(\theta)$ describes the modified base distribution and $\alpha G_{0}(\theta_{2})$ describes the probability of a ball with a specific color $\theta_{2}$.
The second term $\sum_{i=1}^{N} \delta(\theta_2=\theta_{i})$ is responsible for the "rich gets richer" effect often associated with the Polya Urn procedure. This is counting the number of balls with color $\theta_{2}$ that are already inside the urn and increases the probability of drawing the same color again.
After you have calculated $G(\theta)$ for your available colors, this is, the probabilities $G(\theta_{2}=\text{red})$, $G(\theta_{2}=\text{blue})$, etc, it is possible to sample from this distribution and obtain the next color $\theta_{2}$. Iterate this step again and again for $\theta_{3}, \theta_{4}, ...$ and the resulting probability distribution $G(\theta)$ will be distributed as a Dirichlet process $G(\theta) \sim DP(\alpha, G_{0})$.
To emphasize this point, the concentration parameter modifies the probability of drawing a given color. It also changes, after many iterations, the distributions $G$ sampled from the Dirichlet process $DP(\alpha, G_{0})$.