
I have two data sets that each have the following form:

 x       y sigma
13 1495.00  0.07
15 1700.91  0.09

basically where $x$ and $y$ are given, but also the uncertainty of $y$, denoted $\sigma$, is different for each point. The uncertainties reported are claimed to be the "68% credible region" around $y$.

I want to know whether the slope of the linear regression between $x$ and $y$ differs between the two data sets. It's easy enough for me to just do (in R)

model1 <- lm(data1$y ~ data$x)
slope1 <- coef(model1)[2]
d_slope1 <- summary(model1)$coefficients[2,2]

and the same for data2 and then check to see if they are outside of each other's uncertainty. But this ignores the information of $\sigma$. How can I incorporate $\sigma$ into my calculations?

My idea has been to add rnrom(nrow(data), 0, sigma) to y some large number of times and calculate the average standard error of the slope over all of these simulated noise additions, something like:

out <- rep(0, 1000)
for (ii in 1:1000) {
    noisy_y <- data1$y + rnrom(nrow(data1), 0, sigma)
    out[ii] <- summary(lm(noisy_y ~ data1$x))$coefficients[2,2]
better_d_slope1 <- mean(out)

Is this the correct way to do it?

Additional complication: I'm actually doing a weighted fit, where the weights come from another data set. I would think that one would normally set the weights to be $1/\sigma$, but I already have weights. (Maybe I should multiply them?)

  • $\begingroup$ Multiplication is correct . $\endgroup$
    – IrishStat
    Commented Aug 8, 2015 at 14:13


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