The expected value of colMeans
will allways be unbiased, no matter whether you inrease NObs
or Niter
, but the difficult part of your question is, whether the variances will change.
We know that estimates
$\sim N_2(\mu = \beta, ~ \Sigma = \sigma_\varepsilon^2 \cdot (X_{NObs}^T X_{NObs})^{-1})$ with $\beta$ being beta
, $X_{NObs}$ being cbind(1, x)
with length(x) == NObs
and $\sigma_\varepsilon^2$ being 1
. So colMeans(estimates))
is a linear combination of normally distributed random variables. In formula colMeans(estimates))
$\sim N_2(\mu = \beta,~\Sigma = \sigma_\varepsilon^2 \cdot (X_{NObs}^T X_{NObs})^{-1} /Niter )$
In your case $(X_{NObs}^T X_{NObs})^{-1} = (n \cdot \sum(x^2) - (\sum(x))^2)^{-1} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} \sum (x^2) & -\sum(x) \\ -\sum(x) & n \end{pmatrix}$ what can be written as $(n^2 \cdot var(x))^{-1} \cdot \begin{pmatrix} \sum (x^2) & -\sum(x) \\ -\sum(x) & n \end{pmatrix}$ with $var(x)$ being the uncorrected empirical variance - here $1$. For reasons of clarity I use $n = NObs$.
So your question is whether the change in $Niter$ from $100$ to $101$ changes $\begin{pmatrix} \sum (x^2)/n^2 & -\sum(x)/n^2 \\ -\sum(x)/n^2 & 1/n \end{pmatrix}/Niter$ in the same way as a change in $NObs$ from $1000$ to $1010$.
If we assume, that $\sum_1^{1010}(x^2) = \sum_1^{1000}(x^2)+ \sum_{1001}^{1010}(x^2) = 1.01 \cdot \sum_{1}^{1000} (x^2)$ and $-\sum_1^{1010}(x) = -\sum_1^{1000}(x) - \sum_{1001}^{1010}(x) = - 1.01 \cdot \sum_{1}^{1000} (x)$, incresing NObs
by 10
is equivalent to multiply the covariance matrix by a factor $1.01^{-1}$ (note that $n_{new} = 1010 = 1.01 \cdot n$ for $n=1000$).
So $\begin{pmatrix} \sum (x^2)/n^2 & -\sum(x)/n^2 \\ -\sum(x)/n^2 & 1/n \end{pmatrix}/(100+1)$ is equivalent to $\begin{pmatrix} \sum (x^2)/n^2 & -\sum(x)/n^2 \\ -\sum(x)/n^2 & 1/n \end{pmatrix}\cdot (1.01)^{-1} /100$ (because $1/(100+1) = 1/101 = 1/(1.01 \cdot 100)$).
I did a small "meta"-simulation study, where I ran your simulation 100 times under both Settings. Setting 1 was to increase Niter
by 1, and setting 2 was to increase NObs
by 10. In each meta-Simulation run, I saved the colMeans
in a matrix colmeans1
and colmeans2
. Plotting `the entries from both matrices doesn't contradict the theoretical finding of both settings being equivalent.
S <- 100
colmeans1 <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 2)
colmeans2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = S, ncol = 2)
#Setting 1: increasing Niter by 1
for(s in 1:S){
beta <- c(1, 2)
Niter <- 100 + 1
NObs <- 1000
estimates <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = Niter, ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:Niter) {
x <- rnorm(n = NObs)
u <- rnorm(n = NObs)
y <- beta[1] + beta[2] * x + u
reg <- lm(y ~ x)
estimates[i, ] <- coef(reg)
colmeans1[s,] <- colMeans(estimates)
#Setting 1: increasing NObs by 10
for(s in 1:S){
beta <- c(1, 2)
Niter <- 100
NObs <- 1000 + 10
estimates <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), nrow = Niter, ncol = 2)
for(i in 1:Niter) {
x <- rnorm(n = NObs)
u <- rnorm(n = NObs)
y <- beta[1] + beta[2] * x + u
reg <- lm(y ~ x)
estimates[i, ] <- coef(reg)
colmeans2[s,] <- colMeans(estimates)