I am trying to implement a Watson Nadaraya classifier. There is one thing I didn't understand from the equation:
$${F}(x)=\frac{\sum_{i=1}^n K_h(x-X_i) Y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^nK_h(x-X_i)}$$
What should I use for the kernel K?
I have a 2-dimensional dataset which has 1000 samples (each sample is like this: [-0.10984628, 5.53485135]
What confuses me is, based on my data, the input of the kernel function will be something like this:
K([-0.62978309, 0.10464536])
And what I understand, it'll produce some number instead of an array, therefore I can go ahead and calculate F(x) which will also be a number. Then I'll check whether it is > or <= than zero. But I couldn't find any kernel that produces a number. So confused.
Edit: I tried to implement my classifier based on the comments, but I got a very low accuracy. I appreciate if someone notices what's wrong with it.
def gauss(x):
return (1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(- 0.5 * x**2)
def transform(X, h):
A = []
for i in X:
return A
N = 100
# pre-assign some mean and variance
mean1 = (0,9)
mean2 = (0,5)
cov = [[0.3,0.7],[0.7,0.3]]
# generate a dataset
dataset1 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean1,cov,N)
dataset2 = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean2,cov,N)
X = np.vstack((dataset1, dataset2))
# pre-assign labels
Y1 = [1]*N
Y2 = [-1]*N
Y = Y1 + Y2
# assing a width
h = 0.5
#now, transform the data
X2 = transform(X, h)
j = 0
predicted = []
for i in X2:
# apply the equation
fx = sum((gauss(i-X2))*Y)/float(np.sum(gauss(i-X2)))
# if fx>0, it belongs to class 1
if fx >0:
j = j+1