I am carrying out a research project investigating cheetah reintroduction as a conservation tool.
One component of the study is to determine the tourism demand for cheetahs (essentially, do people want to see cheetahs). I intend to do this with questionnaires, listing a number of animal species including cheetahs. The respondents scale the species from 0 -10 in terms of viewing preference.
Could I compare the means of all the species using one way ANOVA to see if there is any significant difference in species viewing preference? If there is a difference would a Bonferroni test by useful to see which species are different and possible that I could place them into categories.
I would also be collecting data on respondents' characteristics. I intend to use this to define the segments interested in cheetah viewing (e.g., country of origin, age group, etc.) and hopefully build a multivariate regression model that could be duplicated at other sites to see if there is a cheetah demand based on the sites visitor profiles.
Is it possible to use independent variables such as country of origin ( not continuous data) to develop a regression analyses?