I would like to estimate the measurement error when aggregating (via arithmetic mean) gridded spatial data. The goal is to come up with the mean elevation (or some other spatially continuous variable) +/- some measure of uncertainty for each aggregated region. However, spatial data is more often than not spatially autocorrelated which may influence the measurement error. This leads to the following questions:
1/ How can I assess the magnitude of the influence of spatial autocorrelation on the standard deviation of the aggregated data?
2/ Are there other statistics that can or should be used to estimate measurement error?
I offer the following example as a starting point of discussion. For simplicity I’m presenting a one dimensional dataset.
x <-runif(100,0,100)
xa <- x
# Simulate 1-D spatial autocorrelation
for (i in 4:100) {
x[i] <- mean(xa[(i-4):i])
The black text in the figure is the arithmetic mean and the green text is the standard deviation.