My questions are about a sampling procedure for fitting a Bayesian hierarchical model where one of the priors is a mixture distribution of discrete and continuous parts. The model is not my own but I am trying to implement it and fit it to some data. The prior for one of the variables θ is of the form:
$$ \theta \sim \rho I_{[\theta = 0]} + (1 - \rho) N(\mu_\theta, \sigma^2_\theta) $$ where $\rho$ is the (prior) probability that the variable is 0 and $I_{[\theta = 0]}$ is the indicator function. $\theta$ is a mixture of a discrete part (a "point-mass" at 0) and a normal distribution.
The joint posterior distribution can be written down and the complete conditional distributions may then be read off (many of them are conjugates) for use in a Gibbs sampler. What I'm interested in is the complete conditional for $\theta$. Like the prior it contains a "point-mass". It is proportional to:
$$f(\theta) = \frac{[\exp(\gamma + \theta)]^y}{(1 + \exp(\gamma + \theta))^{N_t}} \left[\rho I_{[\theta = 0]} + (1 - \rho)\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2_\theta}} \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2_\theta}(\theta - \mu_\theta)^2 \right]\right]$$
The $\gamma, \rho, \mu_\theta, \sigma^2_{\theta}$ parameters change value on each iteration of the gibbs-sampler. As I only know the distribution up to a constant I can't just use a straightforward sampling approach. At the moment I use a Metropolis-Hastings (MH) step as follows:
Proposal distibution: $q(\theta|x) = 0.5 I_{[\theta = 0]} + 0.5 N\left(x, \sigma^2_{MH}\right)$, where
$$q(\theta|x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{lr} 0.5 & \theta = 0 \\ 0.5 \; g(\theta | x, \sigma^2_{MH}) & \theta \ne 0 \end{array} \right .$$
where $g$ is the density of $N\left(x, \sigma^2_{MH}\right)$, $\sigma^2_{MH}$ a fixed value.
If $\theta_{curr}$ is the current value, the MH step is then:
Simulate a candidate value $\theta^*$ from $q(\theta|\theta_{curr})$. Form the ratio: $r = \frac{f(\theta^*)q(\theta_{curr}|\theta^*)}{f(\theta_{curr})q(\theta^*|\theta_{curr})}$
Simulate $u$ from a uniform and accept $\theta^*$ with probability $\min(1, r)$.
My questions are as follows:
- Is the approach correct - i.e. is it theoretically valid?
- Is there a better or more "standard" approach to this type of sampling situation that I should consider?
- Is it possible to assess this type of sampling where there is a move from a discrete to a continuous distribution as part of the step in term of acceptance rates etc?
Apologies if this has been covered in another question but I haven't been able to locate an adequate anwser and this type of scenario seems to be rarely discussed in the general books about MCMC sampling that I've looked at. I realise that there are probably no simple answers here but any pointers would be appreciated.