I've been given some data that should come from a lognormal distribution. I've got some issues concerning the fitting, here's what I did.
x <- c(3.36,0.31,9.24,0.29,0.01,1.18,0.35,0.89,3.23,12.24,0.19,5.35,23.05,32.39,
I cannot post the graph since there would be too many links for my reputation, but data seem to come from a beta distribution, rather than a lognormal one. However I've tried the fit anyway.
fit.dist <- fitdist(x,"lnorm")
What can I assess from the graphs? Q-Q plot suggests that the distribution of the data should have a longer right tail than the theoretical distribution. Does it also suggest that the data are right skewed?
At this point i rescale the data in the interval [0,1] to try to see if the beta distribution fits better.
y <- x/100
fit.dist <- fitdist(y,"beta")
Fit seems, as expected, much better.
> summary(fit.dist)
Fitting of the distribution ' beta ' by maximum likelihood
Parameters :
estimate Std. Error
shape1 0.8660958 0.1292606
shape2 6.6110806 1.2517790
Loglikelihood: 79.03786 AIC: -154.0757 BIC: -149.6367
Can I, at this point, infer that the data come from a Beta(0.8660958,6.610806)? What are the relations between Beta and lognormal in this particulare case? What other analysis can I perform to strengthen this hypothesis?