This question is addressed in this very nice post. Please take a look at it and the references therein.
Notice in the article that the speaks about calibration, and links to another (nice) blog post about it. Still, I find that the paper Obtaining Calibrated Probabilities from Boosting gives you a better understanding of what calibration in the context of boosted classifiers is, and what are standard methods to perform it.
And finally one aspect missing (a bit more theoretical). Both RF and GBM are ensemble methods, meaning you build a classifier out a big number of smaller classifiers. Now the fundamental difference lies on the method used:
- RF uses decision trees, which are very prone to overfitting. In order to achieve higher accuracy, RF decides to create a large number of them based on bagging. The basic idea is to resample the data over and over and for each sample train a new classifier. Different classifiers overfit the data in a different way, and through voting those differences are averaged out.
- GBM is a boosting method, which builds on weak classifiers. The idea is to add a classifier at a time, so that the next classifier is trained to improve the already trained ensemble. Notice that for RF each iteration the classifier is trained independently from the rest.