is the parameter of regularization. I'm talking in the context of glmnet
, and this may be a question generally applied for any model with regularization.
I though glmnet
calculates the coefficients in the model based on the lambda sequence
for fitting model. So the result doesn't have the model for other lambda
values. But why I can still do prediction using other lambda
y = dta$Purchase
x = as.matrix( dta[ , -which(colnames(dta)=='Purchase') ] )
lam1 = 10^(-10:-1)
lr = glmnet(x, y, family='binomial', lambda = lam1)
preds = predict(lr, x, lam1*3, type = "response") # prediction using other lambda
I ask this because of this:
I roughly know that lambda
, when not given by user, is generated in glmnet
based on the data.
firstly run glmnet
for all the data (I call it model 0
), and then run glmnet
for each folder (for a k-folder cv, it's k times, and I call them model 1-k
The purpose to run glmnet
for all the data (model 0
) is to get the lambda sequence (call it lambda-0 seq
) to be used in cv [see P5 in 1].
Then cv.lognet
is called and it calculates the cv, using lambda-0 seq
. First, the values in lambda-0 seq
that don't work with model 1-k
are ruled out. Prediction is then made using model 1-k
and lambda-0 seq
Relevant code in cv.glmnet
glmnet.object = glmnet(x, y, weights = weights, offset = offset, lambda = lambda, ...)
lambda = glmnet.object$lambda
# has run glmnet once to get the lambda seq, and now use it for cv
fun = paste("cv", class(glmnet.object)[[1]], sep = ".") # here fun = cv.lognet
cvstuff =, list(outlist, lambda, x, y, weights, offset, foldid, type.measure, grouped, keep))
# outlist is model 1-k
and cv.lognet
: (See the source code of these functions for more please.)
mlami = max( sapply( outlist, function(obj) min(obj$lambda) ) )
# ignore lambda doesn't work for every subset
which_lam = lambda >= mlami
#prediction for each folder
fitobj = outlist[[i]]
preds = predict(fitobj, x[which, , drop = F], s = lambda[which_lam], offset = off_sub, type = "response") #use lambda-0 seq for pred in model 1-k
My question is why lamdba-0 seq
can be passed to model 1-k
to do prediction? Model 1-k
should only have models (coefficients) at their only lambda sequence
. Any help's appreciated. Thanks