I would like to perform a meta-analysis on data gathered from multiple studies. Assume that the data contains multiple correlated outcomes of interest, but that not all studies have the outcome in question. For example, such a dataset could be generated as follows (note that I have simplified the model to keep the code brief):
# get simulated effect size and variance of outcome
get.df <- function(z, x, u)
v <- apply(x, 2, var)
d <- (colMeans(x) - u)/v
return(data.frame(study = 1:ncol(x), outcome = z, d = d, v = v))
# simulate multiple experiments with correlated outcomes
f <- function(n, u)
x1 <- replicate(n, rnorm(100, mean = u + 1, sd = 0.75))
x2 <- 0.1 - x1[, 1:(n - 2)] # negatively correlated
x3 <- x1[, 1:(n - 1)] * 1.3 # positively correlated
res <- mapply(get.df, z = LETTERS[1:3], x = list(x1, x2, x3), u = u, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
return(rbind(res$A, res$B, res$C))
res <- f(5, 2)
> res
study outcome d v
1 1 A 1.421154 0.6544090
2 2 A 1.552706 0.6423655
3 3 A 2.277247 0.3931349
4 4 A 1.433224 0.6815152
5 5 A 1.587405 0.5972025
6 1 B -7.380729 0.6544090
7 2 B -7.624016 0.6423655
8 3 B -12.197506 0.3931349
9 1 C 1.635715 1.1059512
10 2 C 1.747080 1.0855977
11 3 C 2.654802 0.6643979
12 4 C 1.623422 1.1517607
It is not clear to me how I can set up the metafor
package to perform an analysis of such a dataset.