Consider a Poisson process with rate $\lambda$ and let $L$ be the time of the last arrival in the interval $[0,t]$, with $L=0$ if there was no arrival.
How can I prove that t-L has exponential distribution with rat $\lambda$? I tried to prove it by the following relation \begin{equation} P(t-L>x)=P(N(x)=0) \end{equation} However it leads us to a correct answer but I think this relation can not be true. because $P(N(x))=0$ doesn't have any information about t! Actually we know that $t-L>x$ means that $N(x)=0$ but the reverse is not obvious.So all we can say is: $P(t-L>x)<=P(N(x)=0)$. The purpose of this discussion is to find $E[t-L]$ by the knowledge of distribution of $L$ or $t-L$!