I know it's a rather debated question on Stack Exchange communities but let me explain the points of this question.
I'm writing my capstone on Machine Learning and I need to clarify deeply, giving valid references, the differences among Data Mining, Big Data, Statistical Learning and Machine Learning. As far as I understand (I'm reading The Elements of Statistical Learning, An Introduction to Statistical Learning which are well known books) and based on the questions linked below, those are basically Machine Learning. Correct me if you do not agree with me.
However, I can't find an article or book with a detailed discussion on the origins of those fields and relationship of each other and I can't cite, like, the questions below. They're not considered valid references.
1. What is the difference between data mining, statistics, machine learning and AI?
2. What is the difference between Big Data and Data Mining?
3. difference between data mining and machine learning [closed]