I am curious about the practical implementation of a binary split in a decision tree - as it relates to levels of a categorical predictor $X{j}$.
Specifically, I often will utilize some sort of sampling scheme (e.g. bagging, oversampling etc) when building a predictive model using a decision tree - in order to improve its predictive accuracy and stability. During these sampling routines, it is possible for a categorical variable to be presented to a tree fitting algorithm with less than the complete level set.
Say a variable X takes on levels {A,B,C,D,E}
. In a sample, maybe only levels {A,B,C,D}
are present. Then, when the resulting tree is used for prediction, the full set may be present.
Continuing from this example, say a tree splits on X and sends {A,B}
to the left and {C,D}
to the right. I would expect the logic of the binary split to then say, when faced with new data: "If X has value A or B, send to the left, otherwise, send this case to the right". What seems to happen in some implementations is "if X has value A or B, send to the left, if X has value C or D send to the right". When this case takes on value E, the algorithm breaks down.
What is the "right" way for a binary split to be handled? It seems the much more robust way is implemented often, but not always (see Rpart below).
Here are a couple examples:
Rpart fails, the others are ok.
#test trees and missing values
# create train and validation
t_rows<-sample(1:nrow(solder),size=360, replace=FALSE)
#look at PadType
#set a bunch to missing
levels(train_solder$PadType)[train_solder$PadType %in% c('L8','L9','W4','W9')] <- 'MISSING'
#Fit several trees, may have to play with the parameters to get them to split on the variable
#Error in model.frame.default(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.action, xlev = attr(object, :
#factor 'PadType' has new level(s) D6, L6, L7, L8, L9, W4
predict(mod_tree,val_solder) #works fine
mod_ctree<-ctree(Solder~PadType,data=train_solder,control = ctree_control(mincriterion = 0.05))
predict(mod_ctree,val_solder) #works fine