I have fit a generalized additive model (GAM) using the mgcv package in R. My model has a dichotomous response variable and so i've used the binomial family link function. After creating the model I would like to do a little post-estimation inference above and beyond the plot.gam graphs.
I would like to take two x-values, for example, and calculate the risk ratio and 95% confidence intervals for that ratio. Obtaining the risk ratio seems fairly straightforward. I could transform the predictions into probabilities and simply divide the two probabilities corresponding to the x-values of interest in order to get the risk ratio. I am less certain how to get the confidence intervals.
In this link here: http://grokbase.com/t/r/r-help/125qbnw21a/r-mgcv-how-to-calculate-a-confidence-interval-of-a-ratio Simon Wood, the author of the mgcv package explained how to get the CIs for a log ratio using a poisson model. I'm uncertain how I would need to change the code to get the risk ratios and 95% CIs from my logistic model.
Here is a reproducible example provided by Simon Wood in the link above:
## simulate some data
dat <- gamSim(1, n=1000, dist="poisson", scale=.25)
## fit log-linear model...
b <- gam(y~s(x0)+s(x1)+s(x2)+s(x3), family=poisson,
data=dat, method="REML")
## data at which predictions to be compared...
pd <- data.frame(x0=c(.2,.3),x1=c(.5,.5),x2=c(.5,.5),
## log(E(y_1)/E(y_2)) = s(x_1) - s(x_2)
Xp <- predict(b,newdata=pd,type="lpmatrix")
## ... Xp%*%coef(b) gives log(E(y_1)) and log(E(y_2)),
## so the required difference is computed as...
diff <- (Xp[1,]-Xp[2,])
dly <- t(diff)%*%coef(b) ## required log ratio (diff of logs)
se.dly <- sqrt(t(diff)%*%vcov(b)%*%diff) ## corresponding s.e.
dly + c(-2,2)*se.dly ## 95%CI
Any help is greatly appreciated.
a typo? When I try to run that code I get an error message. $\endgroup$n=100
or some such. I just edited it and one other typo/misrendered character, so that the code above now works. $\endgroup$