I have a private SoundCloud playlist of songs that I have made available to a group of people. I am trying to work out which of the songs is the "best", in some sense.
By definition, the play count of each song in the playlist is the popularity of the song.
However I want to model the tracks' individual play counts as being in some way related to the "goodness" of the tracks.
As I understand it, because of Benford's Law / the fact that if someone just clicks "play" on the entire playlist, and then stops at any time, the earlier tracks in the playlist receive disproportionately many plays.
How can I adjust for this effect so that I can more accurately compare the play counts of the different songs? Could I run an experiment with identical tracks and then from that derive a distribution that I can subtract to get the "goodness" values?
Also there's another confounding factor which is that I add another song every week (I write the songs), which means that the older songs get more plays. But I guess I can just divide by "days since upload date" at some point to remove that from my "goodness" assessment.