I have a large data set where I relate the response variable to multiple explanatory variables; since I have different areas I have also included a random factor.
The response variable is binomial and therefore I use the glmer
function from the lme4
The explanatory variables have different scales and to be able to compare the estimates I wanted to standardize the estimates.
For that I use a standardisation method that has been developed by Gelman (2007), which is available in the arm
Another method would be fine as well, however I use this for a different model, and I would like to use the same method to standardize my data.
However if I use this method, I get different $p$-values:
# without standardized data:
model1 <- glmer(bembryo ~ (s_edlength + s_bplength + s_tide)^2 + (1|Areasite), family=binomial(link = "logit"), nAGQ = 1, data=data)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.81791 2.86350 -0.635 0.5255
s_edlength 12.33513 5.52290 2.233 0.0255 *
s_bplength -8.77016 4.74700 -1.847 0.0647 .
s_tide 1.54429 1.38453 1.115 0.2647
s_edlength:s_bplength -0.01579 0.14525 -0.109 0.9134
s_edlength:s_tide -4.77805 2.23256 -2.140 0.0323 *
s_bplength:s_tide 3.47744 1.89254 1.837 0.0661 .
# With standardized data:
model.full.stan <- standardize(model1)
Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.1441 0.7192 4.372 1.23e-05 ***
z.s_edlength 5.9579 2.4137 2.468 0.0136 *
z.s_bplength -4.0340 2.1221 -1.901 0.0573 .
z.s_tide -1.3594 1.1632 -1.169 0.2425
z.s_edlength:z.s_bplength -0.1263 1.2467 -0.101 0.9193
z.s_edlength:z.s_tide -10.4140 4.9042 -2.123 0.0337 *
z.s_bplength:z.s_tide 7.9670 4.3625 1.826 0.0678 .
I am not really sure why this is happening.
I checked if it depends on the standardization method I use.
However, if I just use the function rescale
to scale my explanatory variables I also get different $p$-values.
I do not get different $p$-values when there is only one explanatory variables left, however that is not really helpful.
This same problem occurs when I use a lme
function from the nlme
Although for this function the method of Gelman (2007) is not possible, I also get different $p$-values compared to the non-standardized model.
I am not sure why this is happening and I really would like to use standardized estimates, so I would hope that someone has a idea why this is happening.
function, which doesn't work on all the estimation functions, what happens if you rescale the input variables manually? So just dividing each input by twice its standard deviation. Does the problem persist? $\endgroup$