We know that randomForest is a classification model. Let's say I have 2 classes A, B , and after run randomForest
model (particularly I used R, but it does not matter).
Assume that I have a result:
A 29 2
B 3 40
The columns are prediction and rows are actual classes.
My question is, could I get the matching score of each element. For instance, for 32 elements which are predicted 'A', could I rank them based on matching score, from the element that is predicted highest match to A, to the lowest match.
(randomForest predicted 32 items as class A, and 42 items as class B, but it does not tell me how much score it gives for each item. For instance, I hope that I can have some information like: the model predict item_1 with 98% belongs to class A, and item_2 with 90% belongs to class A, and so on)