Question is based on the paper Maximum likelihood for blind separation and deconvolution of noisy signals using mixture models pdf download link
Assume the model is a FIR system of order 2 expressed as
$$y(n) = \sum_{m=0}^M \theta_mx(n-m) + v(n) \tag{1}$$.
The model can be rewritten as $$y(n) = \mathbf{\theta^T}x(n) + v(n) \tag{2}$$
The state space representation would be: $$y(n) = \theta_0 x(n) + \theta_1 x(n-1) + \theta_2 x(n-2) \tag{3}$$, and
$$ y(n) = \theta^T x(n) + v(n) \tag{4} $$
Assuming the signal $x(n)$ is an $i.i.d.$ sequence of $(n \times 1)$ random vectors with independent components. $v(n)$ is an $i.i.d$ additive zero-mean Gaussian noise of unknown variance, $\sigma^2_v$. Here it still counts as a state space model, because $x(n)$ is still (albeit trivially) markov.
Question : Problem formulation : $\{x(n)\}$ (n by 1) is the unobserved input and $\{v(n)\}$ is the unobserved additive noise. The MLE solution will based on Expectation Maximization (EM). In the paper, I cannot understand how the likelihood expression would look like. Why do the Authors say mixture models?
What will be the complete likelihood and log-likelihood expression ?
This is how I proceeded.
I have used that fact that sum of 2 independent Gaussians is, again, Gaussian: $\theta^T x(n-M:n) + v(n) \sim \mathcal{N}(\theta^T \mu_x, \theta^T \Sigma_x \theta + 1)$.
Now, $\theta^T x(n-M:n)$ is Gaussian, too: a linear transformation of a Gaussian vector is still Gaussian. $\theta^T x(n-M:n) \sim \mathcal{N}(\theta^T \mu_x, \theta^T \Sigma_x \theta)$.
The variance of $y(n)$ is affected by $\theta$.
PDF of the observations $\mathbf{y}$ conditioned on the data sequence $x$ is
$$f(\mathbf{y|x,\theta}) = {\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{\left(2\pi \sigma^2_v\right)}}\right)}^N \exp\left[-\frac{{\left(y-\theta^T x\right)}^2}{2\sigma^2_v}\right] \tag{1}$$ PDF of the complete data $\xi = [x, y]^T$:
$$f(\xi|\theta) = f(y|x,\theta)f(x) \tag{3}$$