Assume that the true causal relation is
$$x_i = ay_i + u_i \tag{1}$$
with the $u$-vector independent of the $y_i$-vector, but we mispecify
$$y_i = bx_i + \epsilon_i \tag{2}$$
And we get the theoretical relationship (substituting $(1)$ in $(2)$ and applying expected values)
$$b = \frac 1a \tag{3}$$
Attempting an OLS estimation for $b$ we get
$$\hat b = \frac {\sum x_iy_i}{\sum x_i^2}$$
What does this estimate in reality?
We need to plug in eq.$(1)$ to find out (since this is the true causal relationship, by assumption, while $(2)$ is just a figment of our imagination). We get
$$\hat b = \frac {\sum (ay_i + u_i)y_i}{\sum (ay_i + u_i)^2} = \frac {a\sum y_i^2 + \sum u_iy_i}{a^2\sum y_i^2 + 2a\sum u_iy_i + \sum u_i^2}$$
This is certainly a biased estimator. Asymptotically, given the independence between $y_i$ and $u_i$ (orthogonality would suffice) we will get (multiplying up and down by $(1/n)$)
$$\hat b \xrightarrow{p} \hat b_p = \frac {aE(y^2)}{a^2E(y^2) + \sigma_u^2} = \frac 1a \cdot \left(\frac {E(y^2)}{E(y^2)+ (\sigma_u/a)^2}\right) \tag{4}$$
This shows that $\hat b$ is an inconsistent estimator for $1/a$. The term in the big parenthesis is always positive and smaller than unity, so we get the "attenuation bias" (bias towards zero) phenomenon, i.e. the plim of $\hat b$ will be closer to the zero value than $1/a$ irrespective of whether $a$ is positive or negative.
Can we do anything else? Well what if we attempt to estimate the variance using the residuals? We have
$$\hat \sigma^2_{\epsilon} = \frac 1n \sum \hat \epsilon_i^2 = \frac 1n \sum [y_i-\hat b(ay_i +u_i)]^2 = \frac 1n \sum [(1-\hat b a)y_i-\hat bu_i)]^2$$
$$= (1-\hat ba)^2\frac 1n \sum y_i^2 -2(1-\hat b a)\hat b\frac 1n\sum y_iu_i + \hat b^2\frac 1n\sum u_i^2$$
The probability limit of this is
$$\hat \sigma^2_p = (1-\hat b_pa)^2E(y^2) + \hat b_p^2 \sigma^2_u \tag{5}$$
Now note that
a) for the left-hand sides of $(4)$ and $(5)$ we have consistent estimates from the estimation procedure (since they are the actual probability limits of the estimators we used)
b) We can estimate consistently $E(y^2)$
So if you rearrange $(4)$ to solve for $a$, rearrange $(5)$ to solve for $\sigma^2_u$, and use $\hat b$ instead of $\hat b_p$, $\hat \sigma^2_{\epsilon}$ instead of $\hat \sigma^2_p$, and $(1/n)\sum y_i^2$ instead of $E(y^2)$ you have a system of two equations in two unknowns ($a$ and $\sigma^2_u$).
Does it give a solution?