Consider a regression model:$$y=x_{1}\beta_{1}+x_{2}\beta_{2}+u$$
Now, consider a different regression model:$$y=\frac{x_{1}}{x_{2}}\gamma_{1}+x_{2}\gamma_{2}+v$$
Of course, in the second model, the coefficients are identified because we have not induced linear dependency (the transformation is nonlinear). I have two questions:
1) What does the second model even mean? I mean whenever I think of linear regression, I always think of it as holding the value of an included regressor constant. For instance, in the first model, I would interpret $\beta_{2}$ as the marginal effect on the conditional mean of y by increasing $x_{1}$ by one unit, but holding $x_{2}$ constant. What will this even mean in the second case? If we are holding $x_{2}$ constant, considering changes in the ratio $\frac{x_{1}}{x_{_{2}}}$ is equivalent to considering changes in levels of $x_{1}$ .
2) What is the relationship between these two models?