I ran a within subjects repeated measures experiment, where the independent variable had 3 levels. The dependent variable is a measure of correctness and is recorded as either correct / incorrect. Time taken to provide an answer was also recorded.
A within subjects repeated measures ANOVA is used to establish whether there is significant differences in correctness (DV) between the 3 levels of the IV, there is significant. Now, I'd like to analyze whether there is significant differences in the time taken to provide the answers when the answers are 1) correct, and 2) incorrect.
My problem is: Across the levels there are different numbers of correct / incorrect answers, e.g. level 1 has 67 correct answers, level 2 has 30, level 3 has 25.
How can I compare the time take taken for all correct answers across the 3 levels? I think this means its unbalanced? Can I do 3 one way ANOVAS to do a pairwise comparison, while adjusting p downwards to account for each comparison?