So, for example, using the Iris data and treating iris species as the predictor variable and sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width as the dependent variables we get MANOVA output that looks like this:
# Creating a matrix of the 4 dependent variables (DVs)
Y <- as.matrix(iris[,c(1:4)])
# MANOVA looking at the effect of species on DVs
summary(manova(Y ~ iris$Species))
# Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# iris$Species 2 1.1919 53.466 8 290 < 2.2e-16 ***
That seems to make sense. Species has a significant effect on our DVs. Now what if we add another predictor variable (a random one which we shouldn’t expect to have an effect on the DVs)?
# Creating a random dummy variable to be used as a predictor variable
iris$random.dummy <- sample(x = c(0,1), size = 150, replace = TRUE)
# MANOVA looking at the effect of species + our random dummy on DVs
summary(manova(Y ~ iris$Species + iris$random.dummy))
# Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# iris$Species 2 1.19339 53.263 8 288 <2e-16 ***
# iris$random.dummy 1 0.03784 1.406 4 143 0.2349
That also seems to make sense. Species is significant still, but our random dummy variable is not. Now what if we simply switch the order of those variables?
# Switching the order of our two predictor variables in the formula
summary(manova(Y ~ iris$random.dummy + iris$Species))
# Df Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
# iris$random.dummy 1 0.13031 5.357 4 143 0.0004764 ***
# iris$Species 2 1.19526 53.470 8 288 < 2.2e-16 ***
Now, the Pillai’s trace and approximate F-values change and our random dummy variable has become significant.
So my questions are these.
Why do the results of a MANOVA change when the order of the predictor variables is changed?
What does this mean for those of us trying to use and interpret a MANOVA?
summary(manova(Y ~ iris$random.dummy + iris$Species))
differs fromsummary(manova(Y ~ iris$random.dummy))
. $\endgroup$table(iris$random.dummy, iris$Species)
). ANOVA and MANOVA for unbalanced data will always be problematic. If you instead generate random data that are balanced across species (c(sample(rep(0:1, each=25)), sample(rep(0:1, each=25)), sample(rep(0:1, each=25)))
), you will not have the problem of inconsistent results for the random term from the three models (including one withoutSpecies
). (Because of the error term, the results will not be identical, but they will be very similar, and usually not statistically significant.) $\endgroup$random.dummy
regardless of the order of variables, but you will not get identical results (though very similar) if you exclude theSpecies
variable. For unbalanced data, expect (possibly) very different results forrandom.dummy
for the three models. This demonstrates how difficult it is to correctly interpret the results of (M)ANOVA models for unbalanced data. $\endgroup$