According to Banerjee et al., Clustering on the Unit Hypersphere using
von Mises-Fisher Distributions (J. Mach. Learning Res. 6 (2005)), you can estimate the von Mises-Fisher parameters $\mu$ and $\kappa$ with maximum likelihood.
Let $x_i$ be the $n$ points in dimension $d$ from your sample.
Let $r = \sum_i x_i$.
Let $\overline{r} = \frac{||r||_2}{n}$ (the Euclidean distance from the barycenter to the origin). Then
$$\hat{\mu} = \frac{r}{||r||_2}$$
(the unit vector in the direction of the barycenter) and
$$\hat{\kappa} \approx \frac{\overline{r}d - \overline{r}^3}{1 - \overline{r}^2}$$
approximates the Maximum Likelihood estimate, which to be found exactly is obtained (numerically) as the solution to
$$I_{d/2}(\kappa) / I_{d/2-1}(\kappa) = \overline{r}.$$
$I_m$ is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order $m$. The approximation can be used as the starting point for Newton-Raphson iteration--but the authors point out that for "high-dimensional" data this can be "quite slow" compared to the cost of computing just the approximate value.