I have predicted an ecological variable using OLS regression which showed the model accounts for more than 72% of the variance in the dependent variable (DV). However, I am also interested in which covariates have much impact on the DV. But I found that some of the independent variables are collinear making the Variance Inflation Factor > 10. What is the solution to the multicollinearity problem both for the continuous variables Temp
and Vapor
( Drop one? ) and the categorical variables 1-8 which have very high VIF?
Variable Coeff. Std Coeff. VIF Std Error t P -Value
Constant -0.228 0 0 0.086 -2.644 0.008
Precipitation <.001 0.151 2.688 <.001 8.541 0.0
Solar Rad 0.002 0.343 2.836 <.001 18.939 <.001
Temp -0.116 -1.604 28.12 0.004 -28.11 0.0
Water Stress 0.881 0.391 2.352 0.037 23.7 <.001
Vapor Pressure 0.135 1.382 30.49 0.006 23.259 0.0
1 -0.103 -0.109 52.086 0.074 -1.398 0.162
2 -0.14 -0.048 6.49 0.079 -1.761 0.078
3 -0.11 -0.048 10.007 0.077 -1.42 0.156
4 -0.104 -0.234 236.288 0.073 -1.416 0.157
5 -0.097 -0.242 285.244 0.073 -1.331 0.183
6 -0.104 -0.09 35.067 0.074 -1.406 0.16
8 -0.119 -0.261 221.361 0.073 -1.629 0.103
ELEVATION <.001 -0.115 3.917 <.001 -5.381 <.001
Condition Number: 59.833
Mean of Correlation Matrix: 0.221
1st Eigenvalue divided by m: 0.328