For a linear regression model I tried on a dataset, when I fitted OLS, the output is as follows:
fit = lm(price ~., data = art)
# Coefficients:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 2.326e+03 8.863e+02 2.625 0.008777 **
# temp_stagelate 3.029e-01 8.735e-02 3.467 0.000544 ***
# temp_stagemature 4.009e-01 1.154e-01 3.473 0.000533 ***
# temp_stagemiddle 5.346e-01 8.646e-02 6.184 8.55e-10 ***
# temp_stagena 1.766e-01 8.645e-02 2.042 0.041322 *
# tonedark -4.306e-01 5.511e-02 -7.814 1.20e-14 ***
# tonelight -4.267e-01 6.214e-02 -6.866 1.05e-11 ***
# subjectflower-animal -3.997e-01 6.972e-02 -5.734 1.24e-08 ***
# subjectlandscape 1.609e-02 6.429e-02 0.250 0.802480
# size.square 2.454e-04 1.696e-05 14.469 < 2e-16 ***
# size.sqq -6.205e-09 9.412e-10 -6.593 6.44e-11 ***
# coloringink and color 3.665e-01 5.522e-02 6.637 4.81e-11 ***
# further.inscribed.or.signedyes 2.997e-01 7.868e-02 3.810 0.000146 ***
# signedyes 9.487e-01 2.058e-01 4.610 4.45e-06 ***
# inscribedyes 1.865e-01 5.966e-02 3.126 0.001812 **
# Residual standard error: 0.6806 on 1511 degrees of freedom
# Multiple R-squared: 0.726, Adjusted R-squared: 0.7186
and when I tried to fit a weighted least squares (WLS) model,
gls(price ~. , data=art, weights = varFixed(~size.square))
the output is of the following:
# Standardized residuals:
# Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
# -4.27128213 -0.58938641 -0.06659419 0.53758125 6.03938177
# Coefficients:
# Value Std.Error t-value p-value
# (Intercept) 1851.4155 924.1690 2.003330 0.0454
# temp_stagelate 0.3717 0.1020 3.645983 0.0003
# temp_stagemature 0.6992 0.1257 5.563261 0.0000
# temp_stagemiddle 0.4881 0.1032 4.729729 0.0000
# temp_stagena 0.2973 0.0978 3.038328 0.0024
# tonedark -0.4489 0.0571 -7.867553 0.0000
# tonelight -0.4451 0.0627 -7.093028 0.0000
# subjectflower-animal -0.3605 0.0716 -5.036949 0.0000
# subjectlandscape 0.0625 0.0669 0.934295 0.3503
# size.square 0.0003 0.0000 13.128687 0.0000
# size.sqq 0.0000 0.0000 -5.179399 0.0000
# coloringink and color 0.4053 0.0560 7.235716 0.0000
# further.inscribed.or.signedyes 0.3425 0.0866 3.955705 0.0001
# signedyes 0.8654 0.2979 2.905369 0.0037
# inscribedyes 0.3211 0.0574 5.593102 0.0000
# Residual standard error: 0.01437576
# Degrees of freedom: 1511 residual
I get a much smaller residual standard error. I am wondering if the two residual errors I have are comparable, and if the smaller residual standard error in the WLS model indicates that the WLS yields a better fit?
Does a smaller residual standard error in general indicate a better fit?
really does WLS, but you may know better. You could do WLS partly mechanically:model1=lm(y~X); resid1=residuals(model1); weights=diag(resid1 %*% t(resid1))^(-1); model2=lm(y~X,weights=weights)
. $\endgroup$gls
? I am a bit suspicious regarding howgls
works since it uses maximum likelihood estimation which is noever required in standard WLS or GLS... $\endgroup$