
I have 1000 observations with 20 events (2%). Splitting them into 10 will get me only 2 events per fold. Splitting the training folds into 10 sub-folds for model building and optimisation will get me even lower event rate.


  1. Is it correct to say that 10-fold cross-validation is not appropriate for these data?

  2. What are the alternatives? Is repeating 2-fold validations 1000 times a better option?


1 Answer 1


Is it correct to say that 10-fold cross-validation is not appropriate for these data?

No but you have to tweak the procedure, an example is described linked below.

What are the alternatives? Is repeating 2-fold validations 1000 times a better option?

You can look at Stratified Cross-validation here. Since the data is highly unbalanced consider other options such as: SMOTE. But be sure to sample only in training data and not in the test data, i.e., sample within each fold as described here. Links below have some good discussion:

a. Dealing with imbalanced data: undersampling, oversampling and proper cross-validation

b. 8 Tactics to Combat Imbalanced Classes in Your Machine Learning Dataset


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