Yes, they are general for OLS.
Let me take the example of a simple regression. We know the slope coefficient is
and the intercept estimate is
\hat\beta_0=\bar y-\hat\beta_1\bar x.
Standardizing yields $\bar x=\bar y=0$ and $\widehat{Var}(x_i)=\widehat{Var}(y_i)=1$. Hence,
The standard errors are the square roots of the diagonal elements of $s^2(X'X)^{-1}$, e.g., $s.e.(\hat\beta_1)=s/(\sum_i(x_i-\bar{x})^2)^{1/2}$.
In the scaled case, this standard error then becomes
$$\tilde s/(n-1)^{1/2},$$
where $\tilde s$ is the square root of the error variance estimate of the scaled regression. We get $n-1$ in the denominator because $\widehat{Var}(x_i)=1/(n-1)\sum_i(x_i-\bar{x})^2=1$, so $\sum_i(x_i-\bar{x})^2=n-1$. Hence, the standard errors are different.
The $t$-ratios are nevertheless the same. For the unscaled case, write
where the 5th equality follows from rearranging
For the unscaled case, write
\tilde t&=\frac{\widehat{Corr}(y_i,x_i)}{\frac{\tilde s}{(n-1)^{1/2}}}\\
An application of the Frisch Waugh Lovell theorem will demonstrate that scaling the regressor does nothing to the residuals. Scaling $y$, however, gives residuals $\tilde u_i$ which are related to the unscaled ones $\hat u_i$ via $\tilde u_i=\hat u_i/sd(y)$. Hence, $\tilde s=s/sd(y)$. Thus,
\tilde t&=\frac{(n-1)^{1/2}\widehat{Corr}(y_i,x_i)}{\frac{s}{sd(y)}}\\
If the test statistics are the same, so will of course the p-values.
That the standard error on the intercept is different follows from the fact that the scaled intercept is estimated to be zero very precisely.
P.S.: scale
achieves the goals of your function, too.