Adding to the other excellent answers, an answer with another viewpoint which maybe can add some more intuition, which was asked for.
The Kullback-Leibler divergence is
$$ \DeclareMathOperator{\KL}{KL}
\KL(P || Q) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty p(x) \log \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \; dx
If you have two hypothesis regarding which distribution is generating the data $X$, $P$ and $Q$, then $\frac{p(x)}{q(x)}$ is the likelihood ratio for testing $H_0 \colon Q$ against $H_1 \colon P$. We see that the Kullback-Leibler divergence above is then the expected value of the loglikelihood ratio under the alternative hypothesis. So, $\KL(P || Q)$ is a measure of
the difficulty of this test problem, when $Q$ is the null hypothesis. So the asymmetry $\KL(P || Q) \not= \KL(Q || P)$ simply reflects the asymmetry between null and alternative hypothesis.
Let us look at this in a particular example. Let $P$ be the $t_\nu$-distribution and $Q$ the standard normal distribution (in the numerical exampe below $\nu=1$). The integral defining the divergence looks complicated, so let us simply use numerical integration in R:
lLR_1 <- function(x) {dt(x, 1, log=TRUE)-dnorm(x,
integrate(function(x) dt(x, 1)*lLR_1(x), lower=-Inf,
Error in integrate(function(x) dt(x, 1) * lLR_1(x), lower =
-Inf, upper = Inf) :
the integral is probably divergent
lLR_2 <- function(x) {-dt(x, 1, log=TRUE) + dnorm(x,
integrate(function(x) dnorm(x)*lLR_2(x), lower=-Inf,
0.2592445 with absolute error < 1e-07
In the first case the integral seems to diverge numerically, indicating the divergence is very large or infinite, in the second case it is small, summarizing:
\KL(P || Q) \approx \infty \\
\KL(Q || P) \approx 0.26
The first case is verified by analytical symbolic integration in answer by @Xi'an here: What's the maximum value of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence.
What does this tell us, in practical terms? If the null model is a standard normal distribution but the data is generated from a $t_1$-distribution, then it is quite easy to reject the null! Data from a $t_1$-distribution do not look like normal distributed data. In the other case, the roles are switched. The null is the $t_1$ but data is normal. But normal distributed data could look like $t_1$ data, so this problem is much more difficult!
Here we have sample size $n=1$, and every data which might come from a normal distribution could as well have come from a $t_1$! Switching the roles, not, the difference comes mostly from the role of outliers.
Under the alternative distribution $t_1$ there is a rather large probability of obtaining a sample which have very small probability under the null (normal) model, giving a huge divergence. But when the alternative distribution is normal, practically all data we can get will have a moderate probability (really, density ...) under the null $t_1$ model, so the divergence is small.
This is related to my answer here: Why should we use t errors instead of normal errors?