I did some CFA analyses (using R package Lavaan) on several scales in order to check the unidimensionalities. If I understood well scale 5, 6 and 7 can be considered a good fit because of the RMSEA < 0.08 and the CFI and TLI > 0.90. My question is how to interpret the fit of the first 4 scales. The RMSEA looks good, but the CFI and TLI don't. Am I allowed to say something like "almost a good fit"?
Scale N R2 χ2 df SRMR RMSEA RMSEA con.interv. CFI TLI
1 1673 0.18 1470.71*** 434 0.038 0.038 0.036 - 0.040 0.85 0.83
2 1672 0.19 597.81*** 152 0.04 0.042 0.038 - 0.045 0.87 0.85
3 1675 0.16 586.93*** 170 0.038 0.038 0.035 - 0.042 0.84 0.82
4 1677 0.25 427.43*** 90 0.04 0.047 0.043 - 0.052 0.91 0.89
5 1677 0.24 280.65*** 90 0.031 0.036 0.031 - 0.040 0.93 0.92
6 1670 0.26 175.35 54 0.03 0.037 0.031 - 0.043 0.95 0.93
7 1679 0.25 289.79*** 104 0.03 0.033 0.028 - 0.037 0.95 0.94