What difference does centering (or de-meaning) your data make for PCA? I've heard that it makes the maths easier or that it prevents the first PC from being dominated by the variables' means, but I feel like I haven't been able to firmly grasp the concept yet.
For example, the top answer here How does centering the data get rid of the intercept in regression and PCA? describes how not centering would pull the first PCA through the origin, rather than the main axis of the point cloud. Based on my understanding of how the PC's are obtained from the covariance matrix's eigenvectors, I can't understand why this would happen.
Moreover, my own calculations with and without centering seem to make little sense.
Consider the setosa flowers in the iris
dataset in R. I calculated the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix as follows.
df <- iris[iris$Species=='setosa',1:4]
e <- eigen(cov(df))
> e
[1] 0.236455690 0.036918732 0.026796399 0.009033261
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] -0.66907840 0.5978840 0.4399628 -0.03607712
[2,] -0.73414783 -0.6206734 -0.2746075 -0.01955027
[3,] -0.09654390 0.4900556 -0.8324495 -0.23990129
[4,] -0.06356359 0.1309379 -0.1950675 0.96992969
If I center the dataset first, I get exactly the same results. This seems quite obvious, since centering does not change the covariance matrix at all.
df.centered <- scale(df,scale=F,center=T)
e.centered<- eigen(cov(df.centered))
The prcomp
function results in exactly this eigenvalue-eigenvector combination as well, for both the centered and uncentered dataset.
p.centered <- prcomp(df.centered)
Standard deviations:
[1] 0.48626710 0.19214248 0.16369606 0.09504347
Sepal.Length -0.66907840 0.5978840 0.4399628 -0.03607712
Sepal.Width -0.73414783 -0.6206734 -0.2746075 -0.01955027
Petal.Length -0.09654390 0.4900556 -0.8324495 -0.23990129
Petal.Width -0.06356359 0.1309379 -0.1950675 0.96992969
However, the prcomp
function has the default option center = TRUE
. Disabling this option results in the following PC's for the uncentered data (p.centered
remains the same when center
is set to false):
p.uncentered <- prcomp(df,center=F)
> p.uncentered
Standard deviations:
[1] 6.32674700 0.22455945 0.16369617 0.09766703
Sepal.Length -0.8010073 0.40303704 0.4410167 0.03811461
Sepal.Width -0.5498408 -0.78739486 -0.2753323 -0.04331888
Petal.Length -0.2334487 0.46456598 -0.8317440 -0.19463332
Petal.Width -0.0395488 0.04182015 -0.1946750 0.97917752
Why is this different from my own eigenvector calculations on the covariance matrix of the uncentered data? Does it have to do with the calculation? I've seen mentioned that prcomp
uses something called the SVD method rather than the eigenvalue decomposition to calculate the PC's. The function princomp
uses the latter, but its results are identical to prcomp
. Does my issue relate to the answer I described at the top of this post?
EDIT: Issue was cleared up by the helpful @ttnphns. See his comment below, on this question: What does it mean to compute eigenvectors of a covariance matrix if the data were not centered first? and in this answer: https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/22520/3277. In short: a covariance matrix implicitly involves centering of the data already. PCA uses either SVD or eigendecomposition of the centered data $\bf X$, and the covariance matrix is then equal to ${\bf X'X}/(n-1)$.
Based on my understanding of how the PC's are obtained from the covariance matrix's eigenvectors...
Please read comments in the answer you link to. Covariances imply centering of data, PCA "on covariances" = PCA on centered data. If you don't center the original variablesX
, PCA based on such data will be = PCA onX'X/n [or n-1]
matrix. See also important overview: stats.stackexchange.com/a/22520/3277. $\endgroup$through the origin, rather than the main axis of the point cloud
. PCA always pierces the origin. If data were centered, origin = the centroid. $\endgroup$