Why is optimal learning rate obtained from analyzing gradient descent algorithm rarely (never) used in practice?
Gradient descent procedure is to iteratively do $a(k+1) = a(k) - \eta(k)\nabla J(a(k))$. Expanding $J(a(k+1))$ using $2^{nd}$ order Taylor expansion and taking the derivative with respect to $\eta$, one obtain the optimal learning rate of $$\eta^{opt} = \frac{||\nabla J||^2}{\nabla J^T H \nabla J}$$ where $H$ is the second order derivative of the cost function.
However, I have not seen this being used in any learning algorithm that employs gradient descent like SVM or perceptron. Is there any reason for that? Or is it implicitly employed in a way that I am not aware of. If so, can anyone illustrate the math involved?