I have fitted a DCC-GARCH model to my multivariate financial data and do the forecasting. Now, I would like to automate the procedure for a data set that I have.
# load libraries
Dat = dji30retw[, 1:8, drop = FALSE]
uspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)), variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1), model = "sGARCH"), distribution.model = "norm")
spec1 = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(8, uspec)), dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = "mvnorm")
fit1 = dccfit(spec1, data = Dat, out.sample = 141, fit.control = list(eval.se=T))
dcc.focast=dccforecast(fit1, n.ahead = 1, n.roll = 0)
I have 1141 observations with 8 assets. I want to fit a multivariate DCC-GARCH model to the first 1000 data points and use the remaining 114 data points as the out of sample forecasting period. For example :-
1) Data[1:1000,] In-sample data, forecast for Data[1001,]
2) Data[1:1001,] In-sample data, forecast for Data[1002,]
3) Data[1:1002,] In-sample data, forecast for Data[1003,]
4) Data[1:1113,] In-sample data, forecast for Data[1141,]
How do I automate the process? I have never done looping before but I have tried to do the following.
Please find the example below:-
for (i in 1:2)
{Dat.Initial = dji30retw[, 1:8, drop = FALSE]
Dat <- Dat.Initial[1:(1000+(i-1)), ]
#Fitting the data
fit1 <- list()
spec1 <-list()
uspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)), variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1), model = "sGARCH"), distribution.model = "norm")
spec1[[i]] = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(8, uspec)), dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = "mvnorm")
fit1[[i]] = dccfit(spec1[[i]], data = Dat, out.sample = 114, fit.control = list(eval.se=T))
print(summary(fit1[[i]])) }
#Out of sample forecasting
dcc.focast <- list()
dcc.focast[[i]]=dccforecast(fit1, n.ahead = 1, n.roll = 0)
However, when I run the code, it comes out like this:
Length Class Mode
1 DCCfit S4
So where are my results?
Update: I have obtained the result for the above question by executing the following command.
for (i in 1:2)
{Dat.Initial = dji30retw[, 1:8, drop = FALSE]
Dat <- Dat.Initial[1:(1000+(i-1)), ]
fit1 <- list()
uspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)), variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1), model = "sGARCH"), distribution.model = "norm")
spec1 = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(8, uspec)), dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = "mvnorm")
fit1[[i]] = dccfit(spec1, data = Dat, out.sample = 114, fit.control = list(eval.se=T))
#Out of sample forecasting
dcc.focast <- list()
dcc.focast[[i]]=dccforecast(fit1[[i]], n.ahead = 1, n.roll = 0)
Suppose that I don't want to over-write the fitted model and forecasting objects, though. From the forecasting, I will get the mean return and the variance-covariance matrix. If the for loop is working, I should get 114 values of mean returns and 114 set of variance covariance matrix.
covmat.focast= rcov(dcc.focast) ##-->Only one covariance matrix.
mean.focast = fitted(dcc.focast) ##Mean forecast matrix
Now, I want to get the mean returns forecast.
for (i in 1:2)
{mean.focast <- list()
mean.focast[[i]] = fitted(dcc.focast[[i]])
#Error in fitted(dcc.focast[[i]]) : error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for function 'fitted': Error in dcc.focast[[i]] : this S4 class is not subsettable
I have not manage to get the variance covariance matrix from the forecast. I have tried to use the following command:-
for (i in 1:2)
covmat.focast <- list()
covmat.focast[[i]]= dcc.focast@mforecast[i]
print(covmat.focast[[i]]) }
#Error: trying to get slot "mforecast" from an object of a basic class ("list") with no slots
Anyone can help me pls?