Suppose that I have a conv layer which outputs an $(N, F, H, W)$ shaped tensor where:
- $N$ is the batch size
- $F$ is the number of convolutional filters
- $H, W$ are the spatial dimensions
Suppose the input is fed into a conv layer with $F_1$ 1x1 filters, zero padding and stride 1. Then the output of this 1x1 conv layer will have shape $(N, F_1, H , W)$.
So 1x1 conv filters can be used to change the dimensionality in the filter space. If $F_1 > F$ then we are increasing dimensionality, if $F_1 < F$ we are decreasing dimensionality, in the filter dimension.
Indeed, in the Google Inception article Going Deeper with Convolutions, they state (bold is mine, not by original authors):
One big problem with the above modules, at least in this naive form, is that even a modest number of 5x5 convolutions can be prohibitively expensive on top of a convolutional layer with a large number of filters.
This leads to the second idea of the proposed architecture: judiciously applying dimension reductions and projections wherever the computational requirements would increase too much otherwise. This is based on the success of embeddings: even low dimensional embeddings might contain a lot of information about a relatively large image patch...1x1
convolutions are used to compute reductions before the expensive 3x3 and 5x5 convolutions. Besides being used as reductions, they also include the use of rectified linear activation which makes them dual-purpose.
So in the Inception architecture, we use the 1x1 convolutional filters to reduce dimensionality in the filter dimension. As I explained above, these 1x1 conv layers can be used in general to change the filter space dimensionality (either increase or decrease) and in the Inception architecture we see how effective these 1x1 filters can be for dimensionality reduction, explicitly in the filter dimension space, not the spatial dimension space.
Perhaps there are other interpretations of 1x1 conv filters, but I prefer this explanation, especially in the context of the Google Inception architecture.