So I've been learning about AB Testing and have used it to examine the form conversion rate of two different forms. However, I'm curious about testing whether a form with ads will generate more revenue than a site with just a form and no ads.
So the two things I'm comparing:
- form with ads
- form with no ads
I'm trying to see which produces more revenue.
So traditionally, a test of conversion rates would involve using a chi-square or fishers exact test to examine the values in a contingency table. I'm just not sure how to approach this question when it comes to revenue.
Revenue Conversions
Site 1 - $500 100
Site 2 - $400 70
Is this no different that a tradition ab test of conversion rates?
Or could I just test wether a form made money or not.
made money made no money
form 1 50 200
form 2 5 250