I'd like to test if three data sets are statistically similar, but I'm not sure which test is the right one (because the examples on the internet are all very simple). I start with a list of values (1 variable). These values are put through a model (it's basically a function), which returns a new list of the same dimensions, but with transformed values. I do this three times for three diferent models, while the input list is always the same and the output list retains the sequence (output of the first inputted value can be found in the first place). How do I now test if the three models produce significantly similar/different results?
The best possibility I have found so far was the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Is this test appropriate? I think my problem originates from the lack of exact understanding of repeated measures, paired measurements, when can a certain assumption be violated, etc.- they all seem very similar to me and I can’t be 100% which way to go… :)
Any help would be appreciated and if need be I can provide more information ;).