After finding a significant treatment in two-way anova, how do I report where the differences are? Every text I have read has left me at: Ah, the results are significant, so let's move on. In one-way anova I could use Tukey's HSD to find the means that differed, making my report much more effective. Right now I don't know how to do that with two-factor anova.
Here is an example from a text done in R:
Is there a difference in Friday tardy rates at different plants?
> mlate
day plant absences
1 march-4 plant1 19
2 march-11 plant1 22
3 march-18 plant1 20
4 march-4 plant2 18
5 march-11 plant2 20
6 march-18 plant2 16
7 march-4 plant3 27
8 march-11 plant3 32
9 march-18 plant3 28
10 march-4 plant4 22
11 march-11 plant4 27
12 march-18 plant4 26
> anova(lm(absences ~ plant+day, data=mlate))
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: absences
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
plant 3 216.250 72.083 41.191 0.0002134 ***
day 2 30.167 15.083 8.619 0.0172128 *
Residuals 6 10.500 1.750
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
So I can see that both the plant and the day have an effect on worker's being late, but how do I compare the means like I would with a tukey's hsd in a one-way test?