What is a good probability distribution for the "Time Spent" doing something?
Say I had data as follows:
Would a Gaussian work well? Or would something else be better?
What is a good probability distribution for the "Time Spent" doing something?
Say I had data as follows:
Would a Gaussian work well? Or would something else be better?
The question of "Time spent", or "Time until event", is the focus of the field of survival analysis. Many people immediately think about censoring when they think of survival analysis (suppose you had a 4th attempt that was ongoing but not yet completed, so you just knew that "time spent" was greater than the current time), but this is not necessary.
The simplest distribution used to fit this type of data is the exponential distribution. This requires the strong assumption of constant hazards or memoryless function. In a nut shell, this means that the probability the event will occur in the next time interval is independent of how much time has already been spent. Two standard generalizations of the exponential distribution that are commonly used as well are the Weibull distribution and gamma distribution. These do not require the constant hazard assumption. As noted earlier, for extremely skewed distribution, log-normal can be used as well.
Example: Period of pregnancy, most women give birth between the 36th and 40th week, and the number of births decreases as you get further from the center.
Example: Time of a phone call to a support center, most issues can be resolved quickly, and The longer a call is, the rarer it is.