Traditionally we use mixed model to model longitudinal data, i.e. data like:
id obs age treatment_lvl yield
1 0 11 M 0.2
1 1 11.5 M 0.5
1 2 12 L 0.6
2 0 17 H 1.2
2 1 18 M 0.9
we can assume random intercept or slope for different persons. However the question I'm trying to solve will involve huge datasets (millions of persons, 1 month daily observation, i.e. each person will have 30 observations), currently I'm not aware if there are packages can do this level of data.
I have access to spark/mahout, but they do not offer mixed models, my question is, is there anyway that I can modify my data so that I can use RandomForest or SVM to model this dataset?
Any feature engineering technique I can leverage on so that it can help RF/SVM to account for auto-correlation?
Many thanks!
Some potential methods but I could not afford the time to write them into spark