I was self-studying EM (Expectation Maximization) algorithm, where I came across this example given by the paper. In this paper, there are two types of coins A, B with unknown parameters $θ_A$ and $θ_B$. $θ_A$ is: it is probability that it will land on head if coin of type A is chosen.
There are five experiments, each time choosing a type at random and tossing the coin 10 times.
My problem is I can't figure out the exact calculation to determine the maximum likelihood estimation of both biases. The MLE for $θ_A$ is: $\frac{(number of heads using coin A)}{(total number of flips using coin A)}$
Also in every other examples of MLE I saw some unknown parameters were present in the conditional probability and we try to maximize the likelihood function with respect to that. For example see this example:
If the $X_i$ are independent Bernoulli random variables with unknown parameter $p$, then the probability mass function of each $X_i$ is: $$ f(x_i|p)=p^{x_i} (1−p)^{1−x_i} $$ for $x_i = 0 \text{or 1 and $0 < p < 1$}$. Therefore, the likelihood function $L(p)$ is, by definition: $$ L(p) =\prod f(x_i;p) \\ L(p)=p^{∑x_i} (1−p)^{n−∑x_i} $$ So given the dataset $x_i$ we can maximize this equation w.r.t p.
But what is the parameter of that coin toss example.