i try to implement a simple gaussian process regression in java. I almost got every step from the book http://www.GaussianProcess.org/gpml .
With my implementation of algorithm 2.1 on page 19 i'm able to produce results but:
I have the strange behavior that all predicted datapoints where i do not have any target tend to be of zero value. Does anyone know this behavior or can explain where i could have taken a mistake?
In my plot the red line marks the predicted values, black are the targets.
Here is the prediction and covariance java code. The parameter array includes length scale and noise, I work with the idexes of the arrays as x inputs for the covaiance function:
private double generateCOV_RADIAL(int i, int j) {
double covar = Math.pow(parameter[1], 2.0) * Math.exp(-1.0 * (Math.pow(i - j, 2.0)/(2 * Math.pow(parameter[0], 2.0))));
covar += Math.pow(parameter[2], 2);
return covar;
public void predict(int predictFuture) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
RealMatrix y = MatrixUtils.createColumnRealMatrix(this.targets);
double mean = StatUtils.mean(this.targets);
for(int i = 0; i < this.targets.length;i++)
targets[i] -= mean;
RealMatrix K = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(cov);
//identity matrix for I
RealMatrix k_eye = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(cov.length);
//choleski(K + sigman^2*I)
CholeskyDecomposition L = null;
try {
L = new CholeskyDecompositionImpl(
k_eye.scalarMultiply(Math.pow(parameter[2], 2))
} catch (NonSquareMatrixException e) {
} catch (NotSymmetricMatrixException e) {
} catch (NotPositiveDefiniteMatrixException e) {
//inverse of Ltranspose for left devision
RealMatrix L_transpose_1 = new LUDecompositionImpl(L.getLT()).getSolver().getInverse();
//inverse of Ltranspose for left devision
RealMatrix L_1 = new LUDecompositionImpl(L.getL()).getSolver().getInverse();
//alpha = L'\(L\y)
RealMatrix alpha = L_transpose_1.multiply(L_1).multiply(y);
double L_diag = 0.0;
for(int i = 0; i < L.getL().getColumnDimension();i++)
L_diag += Math.log(L.getL().getEntry(i, i));
double logpyX = - y.transpose().multiply(alpha).scalarMultiply(0.5).getData()[0][0]
- L_diag
- predictFuture * Math.log(2 * Math.PI) * 0.5;
double[] fstar = new double[targets.length + predictFuture];
double[] V = new double[targets.length + predictFuture];
for(int i = 0;i < targets.length + predictFuture;i++)
double[] kstar = new double[targets.length];
for(int j = 0; j < targets.length;j++)
double covar = (Double)covMethod.invoke(this,j,i);
kstar[j] = covar;
//f*=k_*^T * alpha
fstar[i] = MatrixUtils.createColumnRealMatrix(kstar).transpose().multiply(alpha).getData()[0][0];
fstar[i] += mean;
//v = L\k_*
RealMatrix v = L_1.multiply(MatrixUtils.createColumnRealMatrix(kstar));
//V[fstar] = k(x_*,x_*) - v^T*v
double covar = (Double)covMethod.invoke(this,i,i);
V[i] = covar - v.transpose().multiply(v).getData()[0][0] + Math.pow(parameter[2],2);
this.predicted_mean = fstar;
this.predicted_variance = V;
Thank you