In their seminal paper 'Least Angle Regression', Efron et al describe a simple modification of the LARS algorithm which allows to compute full LASSO regularisation paths.
I have implemented this variant sucessfully and usually plot the output path either versus the number of steps (successive iterations of the LARS algorithm) or the $l_1$-norm of the regression coefficients ($\Vert \beta \Vert_1$).
Yet, it seems like most of the packages available out there provide the regularisation path in terms of the LASSO penalisation coefficient $\lambda$ (e.g. LARS in R, where you can play with the 'mode' argument to switch between different representations).
My question is: what is the mechanics used to switch from one representation to the other(s). I have seen various questions related to that (or more specifically the issue of mapping the inequality constraint $\Vert \beta \Vert_1 \leq t$ to an appropriate penalisation term $\lambda \Vert \beta \Vert_1 $), but have found no satisfying answer.
I have looked inside some MATLAB code that performs the required transformation and, for each LARS step $k$, this is how $\lambda$ seems to be computed:
$$ \lambda(k) = \max( 2 \vert X^T y \vert ),\ \ \ \text{for } k=1 $$ $$ \lambda(k) = \text{median}( 2 \vert X_{\mathcal{A}_k}^T r_{\mathcal{A}_k} \vert ),\ \ \ \forall k > 1$$
where $X$ (size $n \times p$) and $y$ (size $n \times 1$) denote the standardised inputs/response, $\mathcal{A}_k$ represents the active predictors' set at step $k$ and $r$ represents the current regression residual at step $k$.
I can't grasp the logic behind that calculation. Could someone help?