Consider a $p\times 1$ random vector $\mathbf u = (u_1,...,u_p)'$ with zero mean vector and variance-covariance matrix
$$E(\mathbf u \mathbf u')\equiv \mathbf{\Sigma}=\sigma^2((1-\rho)I_p+\rho\mathbf i \mathbf i')$$
where $I_p$ is the identity matrix and $\mathbf i = (1,...,1)'$
Namely the elements of $\mathbf u$ are equicorrelated with correlation coefficient $\rho \neq 0$ and have common variance $\sigma^2>0$. We assume that $-\frac{1}{p-1} < \rho < 1$ so that $\Sigma$ is positive definite.
Consider "centering the vector on its own self", which is a made-up description for the variables
$$\tilde u_i = u_i - \frac 1p\sum_{j=1}^p u_j$$
In matrix notation, by using the idempotent and symmetric $p \times p$ matrix
$$\mathbf {M_i} = I_p - \frac 1p \mathbf i \mathbf i'$$
we have
$$\mathbf {\tilde u} = \mathbf {M_i} \mathbf u$$
The variance covariance matrix of the centered vector is
$$E(\mathbf {\tilde u} \mathbf {\tilde u}')=E(\mathbf {M_i} \mathbf u \mathbf u'\mathbf {M_i}) =\mathbf {M_i}\sigma^2((1-\rho)I_p+\rho\mathbf i \mathbf i')\mathbf {M_i}$$
We have $\mathbf {M_i} \mathbf i = 0$ so we arrive at
$$E(\mathbf {\tilde u} \mathbf {\tilde u}') = (1-\rho)\sigma^2\mathbf {M_i}$$
This is a singular matrix (with rank $p-1$), but my issue is something else: It is not difficult to calculate that
$$E(u_i^2) = (1-1/p)(1-\rho)\sigma^2,\;\; E(u_iu_j) = -(1/p)(1-\rho)\sigma^2,\;\; \tilde \rho = \frac {-1}{p-1}$$
So the centered variables are still equicorrelated but now the correlation coefficient is $\tilde \rho = \frac {-1}{p-1}$: irrespective of the initial correlation direction and strength, the correlation here is negative and depends only on the dimension of the random vector, and in a way that, even for small values of $p$, correlation is small to negligible (say, for $p=20 \implies \tilde \rho \approx -0.0527$). And we achieved that by centering.
I admit I did not expect such sweeping changes in the correlation between random variables by using centering, perhaps because I am used to see often arguments and presentations where "location does not matter", for various results to obtain.
The math is clear, but is there any intuition as to why this kind of centering nearly de-correlates the variables here?